Friday, 1 July 2011

TEN Things I Believe IN

First, the acknowledgement. Last week, I ran into Preeti Shenoy's  10 Day YOU Challenge. And though I did not take the challenge (since I know I am too lousy to write a post everyday for 10 days), it did get me thinking about some things.
And so, thanks to Preeti's blog, this post of mine got created.

  •  Most relationship issues can be solved by talking. Sincerity, willingness to talk, an hour or two of interrupted time and a cup of coffee (with unlimited refills) -- is all that u need to solve the most vexing of problems.
  • Snapping a relationship is actually the easiest thing to do. Making a relationship survive against all the odds is the real challenge. I understand that sometimes, snapping is all that can be done. But even then, it should be the last option; and not the first.
  • The small "big" moments make life worthwhile. The little things in life are what life is all about. Life is tough anyway.
  • A little ego is actually good for an individual. Life's experiences have taught me that if u are too good; people trample you. They walk all over you. Having ego shows that if nobody else, atleast you will stand up for yourself.
  • No matter what they do; family is family. Friendships, unfortunately, do die and wither. Blood relationships are always there. They might be tied by a very loose, weak string; but they can never be completely broken. Never.
  • There are very few things in life that are worth fighting about. Which is why I am always open to a compromise. You win some, you lose some. Besides, there are always bigger fishes to fry.
  • Listening is probably the best way to make others feel valued and important. Note that you need to listen; and not just hear.
  • Anger is a huge relationship killer. Get a hold on your temper; and half the world will be in love with you.
  • Touch is a hugely under rated (and probably under used) expression of emotion. Far more comforting, intimate and meaningful than that hugely over rated three letter word.
  • On most occasions and with most folks; Out of sight is Out of mind. Harsh and sad, but true. 


  1. BRILLIANT! Loved it. I might have used "high self esteem" instead of "ego" but the way you have worded it makes perfect sense.

  2. Hmmmm...Have to agree with you here...a healthy ego is absolutely essential...

  3. @Roona -- Thanks for stopping by.
